Wide field of view and a natural sense of distance.
Fitting exclusively for Mazda vehicles.

The "Wide Rear View Mirror" is a frameless type that is attached as an additional addition to mass-produced room mirrors. It uses a surface mirror to ensure a clear view, and is made of chrome with a blue coating to reduce light reflection. The viewing area is approximately 1.7 to 1.8 times wider than mass-produced products. The mirror curvature radius is 3000SR to reduce parallax with the side mirror. A wide field of view and a natural sense of distance contribute to relaxed driving with less eye movement. Designed exclusively for Mazda vehicles, the smart fitting is appealing with no feeling of retrofitting. Includes AutoExe logo.

[Roadster (ND) installation example]
[CX-30(DM) installation example]
<Product overview>

[High-performance chrome mirror (blue)]

A blue mirror with a metal coating reduces the glare of the headlights of the following vehicles. With AutoExe logo.

[Radius of curvature 3000SR]

Balances wide field of view and natural sense of distance. The field of view is approximately 1.7 to 1.8 times wider than a plane mirror.

[Designed exclusively for Mazda vehicles]

Natural form without a feeling of retrofitting.Can be easily attached by covering it with a mass-produced rear-view mirror.

[Conformity confirmation method]

Compatibility is confirmed by either the ECE certification number or genuine part number stamped on the back of the mass-produced rearview mirror.

<Product compatibility table>

■ Wide Rear View Mirror  Blue chrome surface mirror with 3000SR radius of curvature with AutoExe logo ※ 1

Car name適合 車 種part number
Tax-included price
(Price without tax)
Field of view area
(Mass production ratio)
ECE certification No. ※ 2Genuine part numberCodesReference work
RoadsterND5RC Car equipped with manual anti-glare rearview mirror ※ 3

NDERC/ND5RC Vehicles equipped with auto-dimming rearview mirror ※ 3
NDA1 V1 450

NDA2 V1 450
¥ 13,750
(¥ 12,500)

¥ 13,750
(¥ 12,500)
About 1.7 times

About 1.8 times
IE11 045617
IE11 015617
IE11 025617

IE11 026654

MAZDA3Vehicles equipped with BP automatic anti-glare rearview mirrorA1520¥ 13,750
(¥ 12,500)
About 1.8 timesIE11 048843
IE11 048844
MAZDA6Vehicles equipped with GJ-based automatic anti-glare rearview mirror (frameless)A1520¥ 13,750
(¥ 12,500)
About 1.8 timesIE11 048310GSK5-69-220E0.1h
CX-30Vehicles equipped with DM-based automatic anti-glare room mirrorA1520¥ 13,750
(¥ 12,500)
About 1.8 timesIE11 048843
IE11 048844
MX-30Vehicles equipped with DR automatic anti-glare room mirrorA1520¥ 13,750
(¥ 12,500)
About 1.8 timesIE11 048843
IE11 048844
CX-5Vehicles equipped with KF automatic anti-glare rearview mirror (frameless)A1520¥ 13,750
(¥ 12,500)
About 1.8 timesIE11 048310TN43-69-220E0.1h
CX-60KH series auto-dimming rearview mirror equipped carA1520¥ 13,750
(¥ 12,500)
About 1.8 timesIE11 048843
IE11 048844
CX-8Vehicles equipped with KG automatic anti-glare room mirror (frameless)A1520¥ 13,750
(¥ 12,500)
About 1.8 timesIE11 048310TN43-69-220E0.1h

※ 1 This product does not come equipped with an automatic anti-glare function. Also, installing this product will disable the automatic anti-glare function found in mass-produced rearview mirrors.
※ 2 ECE can be confirmed by the stamp on the back of the genuine room mirror. As a general rule, installation is possible if the numbers match.
3 Anti-vibration cushion included. Due to the structure of the vehicle, vibrations may increase while driving compared to the genuine rearview mirror.