Playful in the engine room.
AutoExe red specification with the image of a tower bar.

Playful in the engine room. Made of steel designed with the image of an AutoExe strut tower bar.The bright red color and aluminum ornaments have been faithfully reproduced.Equipped with mass production clamp and trade-in.A new generation Mazda vehicle compatible product has been added to the lineup to support a wide range of vehicle models.

■ Faithfully reproduce the tower bar made by AutoExe.

■ A type (A1750)

■ B type (A1700 / MND1700)

<Compatibility table by vehicle type>

■ Battery Clamp

Representative compatible model part numberTax-included price
(Price without tax)
Spec.TypeCodesReference work
Roadster (all ND series cars)MND1700¥ 7,480
(¥ 6,800)
Steel red paint
With AutoExe ornament
MAZDA3 (BP series), CX-30 (DM series), MX-30 (DREJ3R/DREJ3P)
A1750¥ 8,580
(¥ 7,800)
Steel red paint
With AutoExe ornament
MAZDA2 / Demio (DJ system)
Axela (BM series)
MAZDA6 / Atenza (GJ series)
CX-5 (KF / KE series)
CX-8 (KG) and others
A1700¥ 7,480
(¥ 6,800)
Steel red paint
With AutoExe ornament

<Compatibility table by vehicle type>

Car name適合 車 種A1700A1750MND1700
RoadsterAll ND series cars--
MAZDA2 / DemioAll DJ cars--
MAZDA3All BP series cars--
AxelaAll BM series cars--
MAZDA6 / AtenzaAll GJ series cars--
CX-3DK series i-ELOOP non-vehicles (excluding DKLFY/DKLAY/DK8FY/DK8AY)--
CX-30All DM series cars--
CX-5All KF / KE series cars--
CX-8All KG series cars--