■Items are required items.please be sure to input. 【profile】 ■ Name ■ ・ Furigana ■ ■ Date of birth ■ ■ Address ■ ・ Zip code [half-width number] ·Prefectures ·municipalities ·address building name ・ Telephone numbers that can be contacted during the day [half-width numbers] ■ Email address ■ ・ Email address (for confirmation) ■ ■ Final academic background ■ ---Please select. ---University graduateGraduated from graduate schoolJunior college / professional graduateCollege graduateHigh school graduateOther ・ Graduation school ■ ・ Department ■ Qualification (multiple answers) 【Job career】 * Up to 3 can be listed.Please list in order from the latest. ====== <Job history 1> ====== ■Company Name ■ Period of enrollmentCurrently enrolled ■ Employment form ---Please select---PermanentContract employee(I.e.part-time jobPeriod employeeOther ■ Job description ====== <Job history 2> ====== ■Company Name ■ Period of enrollment ■ Employment form ---Please select---PermanentContract employee(I.e.part-time jobPeriod employeeOther ■ Job description ====== <Job history 3> ====== ■Company Name ■ Period of enrollment ■ Employment form ---Please select---PermanentContract employee(I.e.part-time jobPeriod employeeOther ■ Job description 【Desired condition】 ■ Desired annual income ■ When you can join the company ■ ■ If you have any other desired conditions, please describe them. ■ Self PR ■ * Up to about 800 characters ■ Questions