High quality and fashionability.Mazda carDedicated fitting.

Bolt-on mounting on the tail end of mass-produced mufflers.The oval shape, which is composed of thick and beautiful curves, renews the image of a general-purpose muffler cutter.It achieves a perfect fit that is unique to Mazda vehicles.It is ideal for users who want to add fashionability while keeping the mass-produced muffler as it is.

<Product compatibility table>

■ Exhaust Finisher With AutoExe logo for mounting genuine stainless steel muffler

Car name適合 車 種part numberTax-included price
(Price without tax)
Number of configurationsTail diameter
CodesReference work
MAZDA2 / DemioCar with DJ genuine muffler cutter

No DJ genuine muffler cutter

(¥ 18,000)
1 individual95 × 80mmD0.1h
AxelaBM2FS / BM2AS / BMEFSMGH8A0038,500JPY
(¥ 35,000)
2 individual95 × 80mmD0.2h
AtenzaGJ series-All 399999 / GH series carsMGH8A0038,500JPY
(¥ 35,000)
2 individual95 × 80mmD0.2h
CX-3All DK series carsMGH8A0038,500JPY
(¥ 35,000)
2 individual95 × 80mmD0.2h
CX-5All KF series (excluding Sports Apperance / Exclusive Mode from KF series-500001) / KE seriesMGH8A0038,500JPY
(¥ 35,000)
2 individual95 × 80mmD0.2h
CX-8KG series (excluding Exclusive Mode and Sports Apperance of KG2P-350001~/KG5P-250001~)MGH8A0038,500JPY
(¥ 35,000)
2 individual95 × 80mmD0.2h