AutoExe Members Registration Information
AutoExe MEMBERSIs a member information service aimed at interactive communication with users who enjoy tuning with Mazda vehicles.The content will be further enhanced in the future by distributing e-mail newsletters that inform you about new products and event holding information, sending them free of charge when the pamphlet is published, and specially selling members-only products and outlet products. ..There is no annual membership fee, so feel free to register *.
Members content
①Purchase members limited products/outlet products

At the AutoExe Store, you can purchase members-only products and use the advantageous outlet where you can list products used in development.
②Members NEWS delivery

We will send you fresh information for Mazda car users by e-mail on the 1st of every month, such as holding events, new products, parts compatibility information, etc. (If one day is a regular holiday, it will be delivered on the next business day)
③ Pamphlet shipping service

When AutoExe OPTIONS and other brochures are published, we will deliver them to your home free of charge to those who request them. We are currently distributing the 2025 edition. (A4 size, 10 pages in total)
AutoExe staff clearly informs product development progress and latest informationWhat's New BLOGIs being delivered regularly.
formula Facebook,Twitter,InstagramWe are also disseminating information.
Registration details change / withdrawal procedureabout
If you want to change or withdraw from your membership after registering as a member, please contact us.
After logging in to the AutoExe Store, you can complete the procedure at any time on the "Customer Account Information" page below.
Click here to go to the AutoExe Store >>>

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.