Updated compatibility information for MAZDA2.

Sorry I made you wait. Updated the product compatibility information of MAZDA2.
We verified the wearability and ride quality of suspension / body reinforcement such as street sports suspension kit and strut tower bar.Many existing parts can now be installed!
To MAZDA2 product information

Products with blank compatibility tables will be confirmed and updated in the near future.

The premier tail muffler needs to take the performance certification test (acceleration / proximity noise regulation) due to the addition of the engine model of the vehicle, the change of the gear ratio, etc.
It will be compatible with diesel / gasoline 2WD vehicles.Please wait a moment now.

Aiming for release this winter, we are enthusiastically developing a DJ-2 styling kit exclusively for the MAZDA06.
Front & rear under spoiler, grille and rear roof spoiler will be available.
Please stay tuned!

Posted by T.Takechi