A sense of security when driving through or changing lanes at high speed.

● Mounting parts: Sports damper, low down spring

After mileage exceeded 80,0000km, I started to notice damper fatigue (the length of the damping convergence time), and I felt that the amount of roll had somehow increased.
If I was going to replace parts anyway, I thought it would be better to use Auto Exe, which is sportier and safer than the genuine parts, so I ordered it at a Mazda dealer and had it installed.

After installation, the attenuation subsides in almost one shot and the flat feeling is restored.
The amount of roll is also suppressed, giving a greater sense of security when driving around corners and changing lanes at high speed.

Also, the deterioration in ride comfort that I had been concerned about is not as noticeable.
I also like the appearance, as the gap between the tire and wheel house, which was too large, has now been corrected.

● Mr. Takarada, Kanagawa (Atenza / GJ)