As a result of various considerations.

-Equipped parts: helical short antenna, ram air intake system, quick shifter, sports steering wheel

After installing standard customization such as wheels (TWS), muffler (Surugaspeed), bucket seat (BRIDE), etc. as soon as the car was delivered, we considered various other parts as well. I thought it would be safe, so I ordered various parts through the dealer and had them installed.

To be honest, since the period of operation under normal conditions was short, I have not been able to really feel the difference in the effects after replacing each part, but so far I am generally satisfied.

The quick shifter in particular is a part that you touch all the time, and I really like the mechanical feel of its operation.
I would like to continue to enjoy driving in a variety of situations, but if I ever feel that something is missing, I would like to use AutoExe products to tune it up.

●Shiga Prefecture RYUICHI (Roadster/ND)