Convergence is fast after running in the gap.

● Mounting parts: Club sports suspension kit

It's been 14 years since I owned the RX-XNUMX.I've always been worried that the load would escape when driving through the gaps in the road, which would make the car behave erratically, especially in the case of an ice burn.
After switching to the club sports suspension kit, I think that the convergence was quick after running in the gap and the behavior was stable.

However, the ride quality was better with the genuine Bilstein, so it is not popular with my family.
It is recommended to reduce the vehicle height by 2 cm, but in Sapporo where it snows, we think that XNUMX cm down is appropriate and use it.The fun of running is outstanding.

● Hokkaido Cat God (RX-8 / SE)